Thursday, August 6, 2009

One in 100 stands up for the people

Kudos to Tom Coburn Senator from Oklahoma. He has added an amendment to the health care bill that would require members of congress to partake in whatever final form this legislation takes. This was actually voted out of committee and made it into one version of the bill.

I am willing to take bets whatever final version makes it to a vote, it will not include this amendment. As George Orwell said in 1984 " All animals are equal some are just more equal than others".

Monday, August 3, 2009


I have a simple question, if this new healthcare these clowns in Washington are trying to jam down our throats is so good, why don't they give up their program and join the new program they want us to accept.

While we are at it, why don't they give up their retirement plans and go on social security like the rest of us?

I think in order for anything to be acceptable for main stream america, it must be first put into practice for the key 535 people "representing" us in Washington. Once they have tried it and liked it, then we can move forward and use it.